Solitude as a Scheduled Spiritual Practice | Experience of the Soul 306

Solitude as a Scheduled Spiritual Practice | Experience of the Soul 306

Time in solitude is important to remain connected, focused, and grounded.  Life on life’s terms can be harried, unfocused, and conflicted.  It can be anxious, frenetic, and even depressing.  Solitude can change all that.  Times in solitude can be peace, solace, and a kind of healing balm to the soul.  Time outside in nature, deep breaths, and meditation can be an important aspect of this practice.  Are you making time for you to be in solitude?  Remember that you are worth it!

Ease and Grace | Experience of the Soul 305

Ease and Grace | Experience of the Soul 305

Doesn't "ease and grace" sound better than "difficulty and worry"? As you mature on your spiritual journey, you can access and live from a place of peace—a place characterized by "ease and grace." There is a confidence and a reality beyond this third dimension of consciousness—it is the fourth dimension, the place of Christ. Once you recognize this as the one true reality, a life of ease and grace increasingly becomes your experience.