Universal Support | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 265

You have heard it said, "You are 100% supported by the universe!" The logical person asks, "If this is true, why is life soooo hard?!?!?"  Well, you see, Hollywood has taught us a fantasy and that that life should look and be perfect. And although that happens on the screen in front of us, we know it does not happen in our lives in this way.  In fact, all sitcoms today give you a problem and then solve it before the show is over -- wouldn't it be great if life worked like that?  Don't be discouraged by this - let this be a wakeup call for us all.

As a culture at this time we are seeking to move out of denial. Those of us who are serious about the spiritual journey are seeking to be conscious and to understand life from a higher perspective.  We are 100% supported by the universe.  The key is knowing how to view that support and what life brings.

So please be encouraged - -  life can still be full of joy and fun and love.  But when we understand the nature of the universe and all things is to grow, it makes sense that at times, growth would be hard.  The good news is, the work is worth it and on the other side of growth, is the new way of being.  This is the joy in it all.  And from this vantage point we can look back and see how all the work has paid off.


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The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

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