Breathe | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 273

Take time today to breathe... ah... yes, that's better.

Most of us as we developing, did not learn to breathe properly.  When we were babies, we did it automatically!  If we grow up in any dysfunction or addictive behaviors, we never know when the other shoe is going to drop and we do a kind of "fear breathing" which is done in the upper chest and throat - - like when someone pulls in front of you in traffic.  This sends adrenaline coursing through the body, whether you really need it or not.  The good news is that now you know, and you can begin to change these habits.

During this episode you will receive an accessible "how to" to begin breathing more deeply and experiencing more peace and more God in your life.  And believe it or not, you can do that ANYTIME!  As I learned, "...the breath is the way through." There are words to a song I love that say, "The breath of God is breathing me and resting in the breath of God I know that all is well."

This is my hope and prayer for you!

The Authentic Spiritual Journey is copyright 2023, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved. Our theme music is composed by Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.

The Experience of the Soul Podcast Channel is a production of 818 Studios.

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