My Ultimate Goal (Living from the Center) | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 278

My ultimate goal is living from the center.  And this means, I am seeking to become conscious.  To be conscious means we are seeking to live beyond the personality.  We are moving beyond the material world and seeking to live from Spirit. Living from the Center means we are commanding the personality to let go and allow spirit to lead.  

Surrender is key to the process of becoming conscious.  Of course, any process or change challenges the personality.  But if we have asked the universe for enlightenment and awakening, it will conspire to bring us into consciousness. This is both a difficult and arduous process at times.  The process can and will be lived through and overcome however, because the spirit is stronger than the ego and personality.

What does it mean to be conscious?  When I commit to being conscious I ask myself some of these questions daily: 

  • Is what I am doing helping me become conscious?

  • Am I interfering with my becoming conscious?

  • Am I listening to my ego and personality or the soul of me?

  • Can I state what I have been doing in the last hour?

  • Am I present to what is?  Right here, right now?

To be able to answer these questions will require some vulnerability and effort.  But again, the soul is able to do this.  When you said long ago that you wanted to live a spiritual life, the universe began to help you shift and prepare for this very moment. At some point you have said, 'WHAT IS IT THAT GOD WILLS FOR ME?' And now you are deep in process of finding this out on a subtle levels.  Look at how you have been living and see how it is true for you, that when you are in alignment with the virtues of love, kindness, generosity, etc, life is working well for you.  And yet when you are living from the personality and ego, life is difficult and hard and just plain weird.  There is no flow.  But it doesn't have to be this way.

My hope for you is that you continue to seek to live from Spirit, living out the question of, 'What is it that God wills for me?' And realize that the universe is intimately involved with you and your process.  You are being guided and the more you trust this inner voice of the soul, the more room you make for God's will for your life. 


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