Faith Rivera | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 280

Faith Rivera | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 280

From the sunny shores of Hawaii, Faith is a Grammy-nominated, Emmy award-winning Singer/Songwriter, a Podcast Host and Transformational Tour Guide using music & unique live experiences to bring more love and aloha to hearts around the globe. 

From music to mommyhood, Faith enjoys her island life with her high school sweetheart and their 12 year old son & 8 year old daughter.  Decades into her career, Faith continues to dream those bigger dreams and dares us all to be the “everyday superstars” we are born to be!

God Loves Me | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 279

God Loves Me | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 279

The living out of this statement, "GOD LOVES ME", is a game-changer for spiritual growth and personal awareness.  Recently I was able to "know" this truth through a time of great loss and feeling of rejection and separateness, from everyone and everything.  I felt isolated and lost and alone.  But being able to sit with the pain and connect with the God of my being was a healing I have waited on my whole life.  This healing is for you as well.

My Ultimate Goal (Living from the Center) | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 278

My Ultimate Goal (Living from the Center) | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 278

My ultimate goal is living from the center.  And this means, I am seeking to become conscious.  To be conscious means we are seeking to live beyond the personality.  We are moving beyond the material world and seeking to live from Spirit. Living from the Center means we are commanding the personality to let go and allow spirit to lead.  

Space for Grace | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 277

Space for Grace | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 277

What is GRACE?  The Bible has a lot to say about grace, and I have noticed in our culture today we don't have a lot of talk about nor practice of grace.  We do hear about the idea, about how "some of us are blessed and highly favored."  Interestingly, according to scriptures, grace is for everyone.  For me, and you can quote me on this, "Grace is making room and holding space for another person...even when we want to react."

Simon T. Bailey | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 276

Simon T. Bailey | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 276

Recognized as a trailblazer in his field, Simon’s dedication to transformation and brilliance has earned him a spot as one of Success magazine’s Top 25, joining Brené Brown, Tony Robbins, and Oprah Winfrey, as well as leadersHum Top 200 Power List in 2023. For over two decades, he has mesmerized the world, leaving an indelible mark on 2,300+ organizations across 54 countries. Corporate giants such as American Express, Deloitte, Marriott, Visa, Stanford Health Care, and Taco Bell have all experienced his magnetic allure.

The Power of Intention (LIVE!) | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 275

The Power of Intention (LIVE!) | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 275

The Power of Intention cannot be overstated.  Each of us has the power to change things for the better by using this power!  Intention is both a plan and an idea.  It is an energy as well, but more than that.  It is a vision!  And the scripture says, "Without a vision, the people perish."  This says to me that with a vision, or an intention, the people prosper!

Learn more in this featured, live episode, about how to use this power to move forward in your personal or professional life. 

Go Get It! | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 274

Go Get It! | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 274

Every moment in life is an opportunity to receive a blessing.  When life happens, this is hard to remember.  What do I mean, 'when life  happens'?  I mean  that when the unexpected circumstances of life surprise, we often get confused, worried and even downright pissed!  We want to rail at the universe, "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?"  And the tough truth is that everything that is happening is to help your soul to grow.  You were put here to grow, prosper and evolve.

Breathe | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 273

Breathe | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 273

During this episode you will receive an accessible "how to" to begin breathing more deeply and experiencing more peace and more God in your life.  And believe it or not, you can do that ANYTIME!  As I learned, "...the breath is the way through." There are words to a song I love that say, "The breath of God is breathing me and resting in the breath of God I know that all is well."

Acoustic Eidolon | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 271

Acoustic Eidolon | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 271

Acoustic Eidolon joins us for this enlightening episode. Joe and Hannah are both accomplished musicians on a personal, spiritual and music journey. They share their experience, strength and hope during this interview as well as 3 beautiful selections of their music. Acoustic Eidolon is always a blessing and they play and perform and live from the soul.

It's All About Relationship | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 270

It's All About Relationship | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 270

Your relationship with the Divine will decide the fate of all other relationships.  The importance of this cannot be overstated.  God is the ultimate in relationship, and for life to work, this relationship has to be #1.  Your relationship with God will help you love better and live better.  And, will inform all you do.

Letting Go | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 268

Letting Go | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 268

Letting Go is a spiritual idea and concept, but also a powerful spiritual practice.

Often in life we try to control outcomes and behaviors of the people around us.  Even though we know we can't actually control others, we carry unrealistic expectations of what people can do and be.  This creates frustration and disillusionment.  When you begin to let go of these expectations, you can focus on your own life and journey and be about bringing more ease and grace into your own life.  So let go of expectations and do what you can for you -- continuing to trust and have faith in the process.

Specialized Counseling Honoring People | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 267

Specialized Counseling Honoring People | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 267

Becky Race is the CEO if Dignity, Inc.  Based out of Warrior Run, PA, this company provides specialized counseling to those often missed or have "fallen through cracks" of our current mental health care system.  On today's interview, both Becky and her clinical manager share their personal story of why they do what they do, and how we can all support people getting much-needed mental health care. 

Faith in the Unseen | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 266

Faith in the Unseen | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 266

Faith in the Unseen is both an attitude and an action.  And if you are a regular listener to the show, I know that you are trying to live a spiritual life.  You are seeking to know and live from your soul.  You are, on a daily basis, living a life on purpose, full of hope and guided action!  And this show is specifically to support you!

Universal Support | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 265

Universal Support | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 265

You have heard it said, "You are 100% supported by the universe!" The logical person asks, "If this is true, why is life soooo hard?!?!?"  Well, you see, Hollywood has taught us a fantasy and that that life should look and be perfect. And although that happens on the screen in front of us, we know it does not happen in our lives in this way.  In fact, all sitcoms today give you a problem and then solve it before the show is over -- wouldn't it be great if life worked like that?  Don't be discouraged by this - let this be a wakeup call for us all.

Trusting the Process | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 264

Trusting the Process | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 264

Life takes us on a journey.  We are often surprised when "life happens" and yet, this is the process.  We are seeking to live a spiritual journey - and remember that life is meant to be fun and full of joy.  And yet, life is full of challenges.  So we seek to live life from our higher awareness - to see a spiritual reason or lesson in what happens.

The Real Me | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 263

The Real Me | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 263

Finding "The Real Me" has been a lifelong journey.  I share quite a bit about my own journey this episode and enjoy the place I am currently in with my life and world.  It is joyous to have finally begun to love myself and the journey we call life.  I hope you are taking time to be open, to be aware and to find the true self that is you.

Prosperous Summer: The Success Vibration (Joy) | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 262

Prosperous Summer: The Success Vibration (Joy) | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 262

Are you in your joy?  When is the last time you did something you wanted to do?  Have you done that on a regular basis?  If you are feeling a great deal of stress on a regular basis, you are not in your joy.  And if this idea is new to you, you may not be aware of what does bring you joy.  The good news is that you can change all that.  With some time and focused attention on this idea, you will begin to open up to more joy. 

Prosperous Summer: Receive | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 261

Prosperous Summer: Receive | The Authentic Spiritual Journey 261

Receiving is an important part of experiencing prosperity.  Often, we are good givers, but if we don't open up to receive, we  will not be in the flow.  Receiving is a way of accepting good from the universe. And there is a sweet kind of humility to receive as well.  It takes a great deal of self-awareness to be OK to receive.